*****For Immediate Release*****
Power Outage Beginning June 21, 2023 at 7:15 P.M.
Navasota, TX – June 23, 2023 – 8:45 A.M.
MidSouth linemen and contractors have worked tirelessly to restore power. At the peak of the storm, over 283 outages existed involving over 11,800 meters. Additional contract linemen and right of way crews were called into service, allowing for required shift rotations while making repairs.
Currently, 75 outages remain involving 515 meters. The severe lightning and weather caused many small, isolated outages involving less than 5 meters. These outages are spread across the service area and crews are working diligently to restore power to the affected meters. While we expect to have power restored to many of those still affected by noon today, there is potential for the restoration efforts to continue into the evening. Crews have cut trees, replaced broken poles, replaced wire and many other repairs, all without complaint. MidSouth Electric Co-op is dedicated to restoring service to its members. We thank the community and members for their patience and support.